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Electives for:
The Marketing Certificate / General Business Electives / Sport Business / Digital and IMC
Global Business Electives for the International Business Certificate

MKT 494
International Advertising and Branding:
From the Inside Out

Being nominated for a Cannes Lion means recognition from the international advertising community and is a milestone in an agency’s history. By studying in the context of the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity, you have a front row seat to changes in the fundamental function of communication in the 21st century: from making advertising to creating value, working together with people in rewarding projects instead of disturbing them with ephemeral campaigns.

We will study the ways and means of the best and brightest creative minds and explore how to produce interesting work that builds strong brands while inspiring people all over the world.

Course Learning Objectives
and Outcomes

This course is designed to provide you the opportunity to discover:

  • ways to employ creativity and design thinking to meet client challenges.

  • methods for discovering what messages and images with resonate with your unique audience.

  • where to look for inspiration.

  • how to come up with original core concepts (aka: big ideas). 

  • how to embrace human storytelling to deepen emotional resonance.

  • why co-creating products and services can jump-start success.

  • actions that develop brand authenticity and build consumer trust.

  • how creativity can drive revenue and market share.

This program is offered by the W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University. Business Administration, 300 E Lemon St, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA |


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